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What is the Casper price?

Casper price today is $0.0378 USD, which is Up by 1.91% over the last 24 hours. There has been an hourly Rise by 0.02%. Casper's market cap currently sits at $407,425,706.75 USD, holding up for a market cap rank at #97.

How many coins are in the Casper network?

As of 18 August, there is a total supply of 11.08 billion coins and a current circulating supply of 5.71 billion coins. The Casper Network has a market cap of $187m and is the 149th biggest crypto by that metric. How does this information affect a Casper price prediction?

Is Casper a negative coin?

Casper is most negatively correlated with DeFiChain (DFI), Terra Classic (LUNC), Litecoin (LTC), Celsius Network (CEL) and GMX (GMX), which means that the Casper price typically moves in the opposite direction compared to these coins. What will the price of Casper be next week?

What is the price prediction for Casper (CSPR)?

Casper (CSPR) Price Prediction According to our current Casper price prediction, the value of Casper will drop by -7.53% and reach $ 0.114980 by September 21, 2021. According to our technical indicators, the current sentiment is Bearish while the Fear & Greed Index is showing Neutral.

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